Monday, October 10, 2011

JMeter, BeanShell, and Portecle ( and Bouncy Castle)

Discovered a very cool feature to JMeter.

You can embed Java scripting into JMeter; specifically BeanShell Sampler. BeanShell Sampler uses the BeanShell scripting language, which, when used in JMeter - allows you to write Java inside JMeter for specialized test scripts you might need to run.

Since I do a lot of security testing I need to access more specialized cryptographic libraries when using JMeter. BeanShell Sampler allows me one way to do security testing.

Since security testing involves truststores and key stores, I could use keytool on the command line but I found out about Portecle and that allows me to create, update and delete truststores and associated keys/certs in an easier to use GUI tool.

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