Friday, April 27, 2018

Computing Fibonacci in Go

Had a coding whiteboard one of my first interviews back in early April.

It's nice to use Go Playground to prove it out and validate it after you get home.

For the whiteboard I had to do it iteratively. I added the recursive func after the fact

Here's the Go Playground link:

package main

import (

func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground. Test for computing Fibonacci numbers")

computeFibonacciRecursively(10, 0, 1)

func computeFibonacci(numberOfNumbers int) {

penultimate := 0
ultimate := 1

fmt.Printf("\nNext number (iterative): %d", penultimate)
fmt.Printf("\nNext number (iterative): %d", ultimate)

for i := 2; i < numberOfNumbers; i++ {

currentSum := penultimate + ultimate
fmt.Printf("\nNext number (iterative): %d", currentSum)
penultimate = ultimate
ultimate = currentSum



func computeFibonacciRecursively(numberOfNumbers int, penultimate int, ultimate int) {

if numberOfNumbers == 0 {
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nNext number (recurse method): %d", penultimate)
computeFibonacciRecursively(numberOfNumbers, ultimate, penultimate+ultimate)



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