I've been writing test code in Python for the last few weeks. Although it's been great to have Perl and Java as my predominant testing languages, it is nice to try a new scripting language on for size.
I first used Python on Linux and this last week - due to testing requirements - I needed to use it on Windows.
Python Installation :
Installing Python is pretty straightforward. Go to python.org. and download it. Installation is very easy.
After the install, I needed to add the Python to the System Path.
Pip and Pytest Installation :
Pip seemed a little different to install -vs- Linux. With Linux I could install with yum and call pip directly. To use Pip on Windows I had to call it through Python first
Installing Pytest then required me calling Python to call pip and then install PyTest. See below:
python -m pip install pytest
With Pytest installed I needed to incorporate it into my Python test class:
1) Import PyTest in the Python script using : import pytest.
2) Use an assert statement for test results.
3) Place the test statements in a test method (def testSomething(): ) For the tests to work correctly with JUnit output I needed to put the asserts in a test method.
4) Create JUnit output for Jenkins. When I did run my basic test class without outputting to an XML file it seemed to work just fine, but if I wanted to get results to Jenkins I needed to get an XML file for Jenkins to read.
5) Once I solved the above issues I needed to make sure a JUnit XML file was created. This is how I called it below:
python -m pytest scripts\CheckMSIBuildStatus.py --junitxml=results.xml
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1 comment:
how did you create a custom workspace in jenkins on windows and stored the results
And consolidated all the result files and generated the JunitXml Results
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