Friday, May 25, 2012

SSH > read from remote host < > operation timed out

I have a MacBook Pro and I connect to a lot of Linux Enterprise machines throughout the day from the terminal window.

Unfortunately, I was getting hung SSH sessions after going to lunch where the session would have to quit on its own to give me the terminal prompt again.

As in a majority of my research forays I had to do some Google searches and found I needed to update my /etc/ssh_config and /etc/sshd_config files on my client and server machines.

Adding these lines to my ssh_config on my client side Mac in /etc/ssh_config >

Host *
ServerAliveInterval 240

AND on the server side in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, enabling >

ClientAliveInterval 240

seemed to work.

I made sure to restart my sshd server too with the command /etc/init.d/sshd restart.

Haven't had session timeouts in the last day...

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