Monday, August 22, 2011

Fair Game - Brief review

Saw the movie Fair Game a few days ago.

I'd recommend it since it condenses the story-line, leading up to and through the first part of the Iraq war, of the major and sidelined players who were influential and non-influential, respectively, in the shaping of our eventual involvement in Iraq.

In some ways it's a movie of how the Bush administration shaped intelligence to suit their policy for invading Iraq, going against some formidable evidence that Saddam wasn't pursuing weapons of mass destruction; principally, that he was NOT buying Yellow Cake from Niger.

I really enjoyed the performances of Sean Penn and Naomi Watts.

Another notable thing about watching the Blu-ray was the background commentary done by the former CIA analyst Valeria Plame and her husband Joe Wilson. Usually, this is done by the director and actors but not the actual real-life people that the movie is about. That was an unexpected bonus; although they were limited in their comments due to possible liability and non-disclosure agreements they've been bound to.

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