Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Pycharm IDE. How to fix missing source directories in Project view. Doesn't show file or folder structure.

Possibly due to a git merge between two of my computers on the same GIT project I lost the project structure. <
I was able to research this and re-add the content root under Preferences > Project > Project Structure. I wasn't as intuitive as I initially thought but here is the dialogue where I add it.
All fixed!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Being more pythonic with the shortcut conditional : A if C else B

I had these two blocks of "if else" code that I found too crude.

test_case_data = None
test_case_data2 = None

if test_already_exists(tests_object_list, test1_name) is not None:
  print(">>>> Test 1 already exists. skipping the add")
  print(">>>> Test 1 doesn't exist. adding")
  test_case_data = add_test_case(api_conn, int(project_id), test1_name)

if test_already_exists(tests_object_list, test2_name) is not None:
  print(">>>> Test 2 already exists. skipping the add")
  print(">>>> Test 2 doesn't exist. adding")
  test_case_data2 = add_test_case(api_conn, int(project_id), test2_name) 

I took the code and applied Guido's "ternary solution," Link here.

All of the above code became three-four lines of code and I was able to apply a one-line Pythonic truthy and falsy evaluation on the return object. Very lambda-ish. 

[Correction: What I had earlier with data = func_call if True else other_func_call, was incorrect. Corrected below. So it's really A if A (when A is not None) else B (which in this case creates a new test case object.]

for current_test in tests_lists:
  test_exists_data = test_already_exists() # Note returns None or or existing test data
  test_case_data = test_exists_data if test_exists_data else add_test_case()

  ...further code that doesn't contribute to A if C else B 
As a side note: This same elegance in code I also found with the use of the "with," statement using the Context Manager. But for this, a lot more compact, readable and Pythonic.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

When the default pip install won't work. Using pip directly with a github repo

I work at a company where we cannot publish some (or all) Python modules to pyPI.

95% of the time before last week I would use:

pip/pip3 install [module name]

to install modules that I needed.

If that doesn't work and you have access to the git repo, another command that might be successful is installing directly from the repo. Here's an example:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/[username]/repo

And if you've downloaded the repo using git clone and there's a setup.py, which should be standard for a properly maintained module - you can run:

pip3 install -e .

Remember, sometimes you need to work around less-standard, less user-friendly modules so thankfully there are other pip options that can hopefully serve your needs.

Exploring ELK (Elastic) Stack for hack-a-thon

At my current gig, our group finally got to do hack-a-thon week and I joined a team project that tied together a few of the technologies I...